A Good Year to Get On a Boat...

January 8, 2013 -  This is a good year to get on a boat.  Yeah, 2013 is a good year to get on a boat.  This is not a general statement coming from me.  I mean this is a good year for me to get on a boat... my boat.  Yes, you're right, "our" boat.  Its been a plan of ours for some time, but the idea of cruising really sprouted legs after yet another boat show at Jack London Square, where I ran across a free copy of Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine.  Its' contents certainly included a lot about boats, but the bones of this friendly-read were about lifestyle... or at least where I thought my lifestyle should be headed.  I love boats of all kinds; I love the water, yet I haven't owned a boat in many years.

Well, that boat show was 16-years ago.  What's taking so long?...

And therein lies the question of what makes us tick, and how well do we sort out our priorities.  Clearly, I have some learning to do - which I have been working on diligently.  Lifes' priorities seem to change in value over the years of our lives, so our focus is always (or should be) shifting.  Recent personal activities include, but are not limited to - a heart attack, family death, down-sizing jobs, homes, everything that I thought was important. Now I'm discovering that the focus I'm referring to is actually driven by me, my thoughts, fears, desires, everything I think might be important.

Sailor Brain

Here's some gray matter from Cruising Outpost that I found to be helpful in my quest for cruising answers...

Confusion?...  Just a little.  Now I understand what the publisher at Latitudes & Attitudes was talking about - that "thing" that keeps us from, "...cutting the dock lines and casting off."

So… getting back to Latitudes & Attitudes, that is now under the new moniker of Cruising Outpost...  Its the same guys, same vibe, a little tighter business sense, but I hear the same underlying message, “…Bob, cut the lines, Bob. Do it, before its too late…”

Part of the kick I get out of Cruising Outpost is that the guy I enjoy reading about is also named Bob.  There are a couple of primary differences between us, though – he’s bigger, and he’s smarter than me.  But, what’s interesting is that his writing and subject matter keep me asking the question, “what is important in life”, and what does that really mean?  Is life the same as lifestyle?

My current conclusion and “focus” to all of this silly talk about life goes something like this - What is important: Its life, family, kids, grandkids, friends and then some kind of occupational-glue to hold it all together.  The material things, as the saying goes, you can’t take with you.  So do they really mater?  Well…  I’ve been considering a smaller boat…

Let me know if you see a good cruiser out there for Beb & me.  We’re ready to go.  And, you?

© SkyeYachts 2020